Thursday, June 30, 2011

Restauran 101 - Sunday Brunch Buffet at Enderun Colleges

Thursday, June 30, 2011 - 0 comments

Good news! Starting June 26, 2011 - every Sunday at 11:00 AM - Enderun College's Restaurant 101 will be having a lunch buffet - for everyone - at a reasonable price.

And you know what buffet means? ^_^ Get to choose different kinds of appetizers and desserts from their buffet table. Aside from that, you get to pick a main course that will be prepared from their main kitchen.

For more information, visit: OR call (63) 856-5000 (Loc 101)

Friday, June 17, 2011

FOOD Magazine's culinary workshop - The FOOD Kitchen Series!

Friday, June 17, 2011 - 0 comments

Register now! The workshop has only limited slots.

FOOD Magazine is proud to bring back its series of culinary workshops - the FOOD Kitchen Series! The first batch of workshops is on June 18, 2011 in Enderun Colleges, to be conducted by Enderun's top chefs Chef See Cheong Yan and Andreas Gillar. Enrollment is free but pre-registration a must! Hurry, slots are limited!

Registration guidelines:

1. Interested participants should email the following details to
- Complete name
- Home address
- Age
- Cellphone number
- Occupation

2. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis due to limited slots in the workshop.

3. A notification to your email address will be sent regarding the status of your registration.

4. You may not register for another family member, friend or colleague.

5. Bring the current issue of FOOD Magazine to the workshop.

The workshop is from 9 am - 3 pm. Lunch will be served during the workshop as well.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Buon Giorno Caffe and Bistro - Rockwell Business Center

Thursday, June 16, 2011 - 3 comments

I first experienced Buon Giorno in Tagaytay when my sister Karen treated the family for a weekend foodtrip. We had fun dining alfresco with the cold wind and atmosphere, plus the magnificent view. 
A few days ago, my aunt treated the family for lunch at Buon Giorno's branch here in Manila, also as despedida party for my grand aunt.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Max's Restaurant - Chicken All-You-Can is Back!

Friday, June 10, 2011 - 1 comments

So what are you waiting for? It's time to loosen-up those waist belts and jeans! Better not eat much during lunch break. ^_^

I suggest not to order any carbs such as rice and bread. Try not to drink too much liquid. And better to consume warm water instead of icy cold ones.

Chew properly and eat slowly. We don't want indigestion, do we? ^_^

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sooo Pinoy - Independence Day Food Trip Contest

Wednesday, June 08, 2011 - 0 comments

 In celebration of Independence Day you and a friend can get the chance to have an all afternoon food trip courtesy of Sooo Pinoy: Inspiring Filipino Food just buy showing how you can promote Filipino Cuisine.

Sooo Pinoy will be choosing 2 lucky winners, plus each can bring a friend with them. ^_^


- Be a FAN of Sooo Pinoy on Facebook.

- Answer this question in 150 words or less:
   "What is the most creative way you can promote Filipino food?"

- Together with your answer, send a photo of you eating Filipino food in your favorite restaurant to

- Also include your full name, birthday, e-mail address and mobile number.

Winners will be announced on June 10, 2011

To know more, pls visit:

Good Luck! ^_^

M&M's Global Character Elections - Vote and WIN

Wednesday, June 08, 2011 - 1 comments

M&M’s® Candydates go head-to-head in popularity contest
that rewards you.
Vote and rally for rewards of up to US$1,000

M&M’s® Characters may come in a spectrum of colours, but which is the most popular of them all? Today M&M’s® launched its Vote & Win campaign, calling all Filipinos to vote for the most popular M&M’s® Candydate.

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